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The Importance of Water Baptism

The Importance of Water Baptism
Photo credit : Unsplash 

In this post, we shall explore to understand God’s plan and concept of water baptism. God wants us to be baptized by immersion. If Jesus was baptized, then we are by commitment mandated to be baptized.
Water Baptism by immersion is a must for every Christian.

WHY BAPTISM? -  Mt 28:19
a. The goal of discipleship is to be like Jesus, so if Jesus was baptized by immersion, then we too must do the same.

b. Baptism is an act of faith which puts us in contact with the cleansing blood of Jesus so we can be forgiven - Act 2:38; 22:16; Ro 6:3-4

c. It is also the means by which one "puts on Christ" - Gal 3:27

d. Baptism is the logical starting place for true discipleship!

Baptism is an act of submission which must be preceded by faith in Jesus and repentance for our sins - Act 2:36-38; 8:36-37
It is a spiritual initiation and identification with the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The word Baptism comes from the Greek word “Baptizo” which means to be immersed into water.
Baptism is a Christian doctrine which is fundamental for everyone who wants to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. There must first be repentance from sin and believing in God before baptism should follow. The sinner must first have repented from his sins and has put his faith in God before he will be buried with Christ in baptism. You cannot burry someone who is still alive and living in sin. Baptism is a burial for those who are dead to sin, and as Christ was raised from dead, we are raised up with Him in baptism unto a newness of life.

Infant baptism is not a doctrine of Christ and it is not biblical. No baby or child was baptized in the scriptures. The infant Jesus was dedicated or presented before God in the temple on his eight day but he didn’t go for water baptism until he was a full grown man. The major reason why infant baptism is very wrong and unbiblical is because infants are incapable of believing and repenting. Since parents cannot repent or believe on behalf of their children for them to be saved, for salvation requires one’s personal belief and confession of faith in Christ(Romans 10:9-10, Phil 2:12) then parents cannot also repent or believe on behalf of their infants to get them baptized.

Sprinkling or pouring water as a mode of baptism is not the doctrine of Christ. It is not biblical. That is man-made kind of baptism and it is very wrong. Since baptism is an act of submission which involves a burial in water, in which one then rises to walk in newness of life through the power of God(Act 8:38; Rom 6:3-4; Col 2:12), sprinkling or pouring water on the head of someone doesn’t depict bible water baptism.

1. When done according to the Word of God, baptism is an act of faith on our part which results in a wonderful working of God in our lives!

2. Our sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus – Acts 22:16

3. We are regenerated and renewed by the Spirit of God so we can now live for God! - Tit 3:5-6

4. It is truly a rebirth involving both water and the Spirit- Jn 3:5

Only those scripturally baptized and demonstrating the marks of discipleship, despite the costs, can truly be called disciples of Jesus. Only them can look forward to the rewards of discipleship, and take comfort in Jesus' promise: "and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age"(Matt 28:20) Have you taken the initial steps in becoming a disciple of Jesus (faith, repentance, and baptism)?  Are you becoming more like Him by demonstrating the marks of discipleship in your life? Obedience is better than sacrifice. Until you have obeyed the requirement of water baptism, your stewardship has not yet begun. Go for water baptism by immersion today if you have never done so. God bless you.

1. Lord help me to understand the importance and significance of water baptism.
2. Father let the blessing that comes through water baptism not elude me as I partake in water baptism in Jesus name.

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